
Strategy is all-encompassing, covering the 4 P’s of marketing (product, price, promotion, place).  Marketers use a SWOT analysis and extensive competitive research to gauge new or existing products’ potential in a marketplace. Read more about marketing strategy here


Strategy is only as strong as a team’s ability to execute on a plan of action.  While strategy identifies what a company could do well, planning helps companies understand if it’s something they can and should do given available resources and finances. Carefully constructed planning identifies KPIs and competitive metrics to keep the company on track moving forward.


Good execution depends on teammates’ willingness to work together across all departments.



Strategy   →   Planning   →   Execution   →   Results


Strategy is all-encompassing, covering the 4 P’s of marketing (product, price, promotion, place).  Marketers use SWOT analyses and extensive competitive research to gauge new or existing products’ potential in a marketplace. Read more about marketing strategy here


Strategy is only as strong as a team’s ability to execute on a plan of action.  While strategy identifies what a company could do well, planning helps companies understand if it’s something they can and should do given available resources and finances. Carefully constructed planning identifies KPIs and competitive metrics to keep the company on track moving forward.


Good execution depends on teammates’ willingness to work together across all departments.



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